Australia’s internet landscape is shaped by a mix of modern broadband infrastructure, expansive mobile networks, and innovative satellite services. This report provides a detailed overview of internet access in Australia, covering fixed-line broadband (including the National Broadband Network), mobile connectivity (4G and 5G), satellite internet options, the unique challenges of rural and remote access, pricing…
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Government Control and Censorship of Internet Access North Korea’s government maintains strict control over all internet usage, allowing access to the global Internet only for a small, elite group with special authorization The vast majority of citizens are barred from the global web; instead, they are limited to a state-run domestic network. Even for the…
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Introduction Kenya has one of Africa’s more advanced internet markets, but access remains uneven. As of early 2024, roughly 22.7 million Kenyans were using the internet (about 40.8% penetration) Mobile broadband is the primary mode of access, given high mobile phone penetration, while fixed broadband subscriptions are growing steadily. The government envisions a “digital…
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Internet Infrastructure and Major Service Providers Libya’s internet infrastructure is recovering and evolving after years of conflict. Under Muammar Gaddafi’s regime, the telecom sector was entirely state-controlled and private competition was virtually nonexistent The primary telecommunications holding is the Libyan Post, Telecommunication and Information Technology Company (LPTIC), which oversees key state-owned providers Major service…
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